Local Organizations

Riverwest Currents Newspaper - www.riverwestcurrents.org

Social Outreach

COA Youth and Family Centers - www.coa-yfc.org
Hunger Task Force - www.hungertaskforce.org
Riverwest Health Initiative - www.riverwesthealth.org
All People's Church - www.allpeoplesgathering.org
Meta House - www.metahouse.org

Parks, Gardening, Greenspace, and Food
Milwaukee River Workgroup - www.protectmilwaukeeriver.org
Milwaukee Urban Gardens - www.milwaukeeurbangardens.org
Victory Garden Initiative - www.thevictorygardeninitiative.com
Riverwest Co-op Grocery and Cafe - www.riverwestcoop.org
Riverwest Gardeners Market - www.riverwestmarket.com

Housing and Development
Foreclosure Resources - www.milwaukeehousinghelp.org
Neighborhood Stabilization Program - www.mkedcd.org/milwaukeestrong/NSP.html

Safety and Block Watch Groups
Milwaukee Police District Five - www.milwaukee.gov/DistrictFive375.htm
Police District Contact Guide - www.milwaukee.gov/districtfive/D5ContactGuide.htm

Events, Festivals, Fitness, and Recreation
The Pink House Studio - www.pinkhousestudio.net